Damon’s background

DamonsmileDamon Pavlatos has 35 years of industry experience and since 1978, has held exchange memberships on the CME, CBOT and Mid America Exchange.

He has traded for the past 28 years and specializes in Index Futures.

From 1981 – 2000, Damon also managed floor operations for Shearson, L.I.T America, Gerald and Rand Financial.

During that period he handled execution for some of the biggest names in the business, including Tudor Jones, Monroe Trout, Louis Bacon, Toby Crabel,  Roy Neiderhoffer and institutions like the Rydex Funds.

In 2000, Damon founded FuturePath Trading with two other partners to specialize in technology and execution for professionals and high frequency trading clients.  Damon’s success in developing this technology lead to him taking 1 1/2 years off to be Managing Director of Futures for TD Ameritrade to help redesign their technology. He then returned to FuturePath to be CEO and work with Linda Raschke.

He met Linda in 1991 when he started handling her S&P execution.  He then set up trading platforms for her Fund after he started FuturePath. Linda became a partner in FuturePath in 2005 so she could design her own execution algorithms and develop additional technology suited towards her CTA.

A personal note!

Damon and Linda married in 2009 and work together trading and sharing resources on a daily basis.